Alex Woodbury


What makes MEC a rewarding place to work, or a place that you’re proud to work?

I enjoy working with our team and seeing them succeed. I get great satisfaction out of exceeding client expectations. When we do right by our clients, additional opportunities are availed to everyone. I am proud to be a part of a team where every person contributes to the collective success of our clients, our company and our individual goals.

Fun fact about Alex

I grew up near Saratoga, NY. As such, I love horse racing and as a boy wanted to become a jockey.

“People sometimes ask me why we have been successful with home maintenance when so many others struggle. I think the answer is focus. We are a company that is focused on service, one job at a time. For us, service is not another thing we do, or something we have to do. It is the thing we do. The singularity of our focus allows us to be successful with our team, our infrastructure, our software and our delivery.”