How a Home Maintenance Service Plan Uncovered Structural Damage
Homeowners Entrust MEC with a Home Maintenance Service Plan
When My Estate Concierge began working with the residents of a brand new luxury home in the greater Boston area in 2018, the scope of services was par for the course: the homeowners brought in MEC to handle the ongoing maintenance of their newly built home. That included an annual home maintenance service plan, seasonal home maintenance checks, and handyman services.
But neither the homeowners nor MEC project managers knew that when they found a seemingly minor water leak, it would become the impetus for a major—and very crucial—restoration project in 2022.
Homeowners Entrust MEC with a Home Maintenance Service Plan
The home, a modern (TK style) built into the side of a rock wall, was just four years old when the homeowners began noticing problems with water intrusion. There was a small leak under one of the window sills and they couldn’t figure out where the water intrusion was coming from.
Enter the MEC Projects Team. After some investigative work to truly diagnose the water intrusion problem, the team proposed taking the stucco off the left side of the home to get a better picture of what was causing the leak. What they uncovered was unexpected. None of the windows had been flashed when the home was built, and the windows had not been taped. The headers over each window were rotten, as was the exterior sheathing.
“It was like peeling back an onion,” said MEC Principal Alex Woodbury.
Knowing that the lack of flashing and taping likely was causing a water intrusion problem throughout the home—and not just on the one side that had been opened up—the homeowners asked MEC to move forward on a major restoration project to take down the stucco on all sides of the home. Sure enough, the lack of flashing and taping was causing a water intrusion problem on all of the home’s windows.
Having a multi-year relationship and a home maintenance service plan with MEC meant the homeowners felt comfortable and confident that MEC would get the job done right. They were familiar with the project managers and workers, and knew that the MEC valued quality workmanship.
“They trusted us,” said Woodbury. “We’re the ones that are going to fix it.”
For Senior Project Manager Susan DiLorenzo, the water intrusion damage was the worst she’d seen on such a new home. A third-floor rooftop deck was found to have inadequate rubber roofing and was leaking as well, meaning it would have to be redone.
“It starts with something small and snowballs into a much larger scope of work.” DiLorenzo said. “But we’re there, and we see it through.”
A Specialized Team of Home Restoration Experts
Making the home water-tight would involve installing multi-story scaffolding around the house, removing all of the home’s 8-foot by 5-foot custom windows, bracing the house, removing stucco, and then making the home water-tight. It also involved lowering all the plants and rocks from the rooftop garden down to the lawn to make the necessary roof deck repairs.
The renovation work, overseen by DiLorenzo, involved a mix of MEC’s own team and known subcontractors including six framers, three stucco workers, four landscapers, interior trim specialists, and more. Even the small details were taken care of: workers watered and tended the plants that had been transported from the roof deck to the yard during construction to avoid the massive expense of buying all new trees and plants.
Throughout the restoration, the MEC team was cognizant that they were working in a home, with people living in it. MEC worked to barricade areas of the house as they moved from one side of the home to another in order to leave livable space for the owners and their family.
“It’s about protecting their space and making it liveable,” Woodbury said. “They don’t want to be living in a construction zone.”
While it’s never ideal for a homeowner to come across such a major water intrusion problem, leading to a large renovation project, MEC was there to support the family and make sure the home was buttoned up and weather-tight. Having a home maintenance service plan in place is one way to make sure your home is being well cared for.
“You get one shot to do it right, and we’re going to do it right,” said DiLorenzo.
Working with MEC on a Home Maintenance Service Plan
When MEC partners with a homeowner, the goal is always to make sure the home is in top-notch shape, no matter what. MEC is a partner with its clients, and always has their best interests in mind when working on a home maintenance service plan. Sometimes that means being the bearer of bad news—however, MEC is right there every step of the way to help rectify any leak, broken faucet, or project, no matter the size.
In this case, the home restoration project was very intensive, and disruptive to the homeowners. However, the owners trusted MEC to get the job done quickly, efficiently, and correctly with as little headache as possible.
Want to learn more about what MEC can do as your partner, or get a home maintenance service plan for your residence? Contact us to get the conversation started.